One of our most frequent requests is to handle a transcript at the request of a student, a family, or an outside organization.

For tracking progress, our parents, mentors, and students often request an updated copy of a transcript, so they can see where the student stands on the path toward graduation, or what the current Grade Point Average (GPA) is. We also get requests from colleges, universities, employers, and other organizations that have an interest in the student's high school career.

Transcripts may be requested in person if you are currently enrolled, by email, or by postal mail. Dropping by the school to make such a request might not work, since the person who handles the request may be out or busy with an appointment. For the mailing address or the email to use, see our Contacts page.

If you wish us to send a transcript to one or more schools or other organizations, please request us to do so. You should do this by email to save time. You should also check to see if the receiving school will accept a transcript by email, since this is the quickest way to get it to the requesting school. If so, be sure to include the proper email address when you ask us to send it. Some will accept FAX transmissions; but this is an old technology, sometimes failing and always a little harder to read; and you will have to provide the correct FAX number. A few schools will require a transcript mailed, which we are happy to do, though it will speed things up if you provide a correct mailing address. There are several services that will send transcripts to those who need them so high schools don't have to get involved in the process; we do not currently subscribe to any of these services.

Keep in mind the following policies regarding how we handle transcript requests: (1) If there is a balance owing on your account, your records are encumbered until the balance is cleared. (2) We reserve the right to honor requests for transcripts from any person or organization that seems to us to have a legitimate interest in the information. And (3) we do not keep records, either electronic or paper, forever. We advise you to request and store a transcript that you can copy in the future.

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